Khatra Dangerous Movie Story Khatra Dangerous is a film by Ram Gopal Varma that revolves around a controversial and provocative plot. The film is being promoted as India's first lesbian film, although similar films have been made before. The plot centers on Rashmi, an aspiring model, who rents out her apartment to her neighbor Nalini, a married woman. As Rashmi and Nalini grow closer, their relationship blossoms into love. Together, they hatch a plan to steal from Nalini's husband, who is later revealed to be a goon. The story takes the audience on a journey as they fight the men in their lives, culminating in a violent and explosive climax. Despite its potential, the story feels ordinary, with the screenplay primarily designed to excite rather than engage. Also See: Kuttymovies Khatra Dangerous Movie Review Performances Apsara Rani gives a smooth performance as Rashmi, though her character lacks depth. Naina Ganguly does a decent job as Nalini, managing to bring some degree ...